What we do.
All work is carried out in accordance with current legislation and best practice, including BS5930, BS10175, BS1377, CLR11 and Eurocode 7.
Trial pits and trial trenches provide an effective and efficient method of ground investigation. They allow a large volume of the ground to be inspected and tested in-situ, including hand shear vane, soakaway and CBR testing. As well as enabling samples to be taken for geotechnical and contamination testing, trial pits and trenches can be useful in mining and foundation investigations.
Also known as windowless sampling or window sampling, dynamic sampling forms a fundamental part of contemporary ground investigation.The dynamic sampling rig can access restricted areas and causes minimal site disturbance. In-situ Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) can be undertaken using the dynamic sampling rig to provide information for foundation design. Gas/groundwater monitoring wells and instrumentation can also be installed in the boreholes.
Depths of up to 6-8m can typically be achieved using dynamic sampling techniques. Greater depths can be attained by dynamic probing using the same rig and provides a relative strength with depth profile. On sites where access is particularly restricted, hand-held (jack-hammer) window sampling or air probe techniques can be used.